Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow At The Beach...Yay!!!

We've got snow here at the beach! Yay!!!! It's been like 10 years since we've had snow here at the beach. I mean more than just flurries or a light dusting. I can remember when Steve and I were first together, before we were married, we had snow on the beach. It was so cool to see snowmen on the beach. Katie and Steven were only about 5 and 6 yrs. old then. They are now 15 and 16 and they had a blast playing in the snow with their little brother Shad. It was so cool seeing them have so much fun together throwing snowballs, making snow angels and building snowmen. I'm so glad it snowed!!! The best part about snow here is that when it does come we get to enjoy it for a day or so and then it's gone. There's no shoveling walks or shoveling the car out of the drive or anything like that. Just enjoy the beautiful blanket of white for a brief moment and look forward to it coming again another time. Thank you Snow for visiting us here at the beach!!!

Here are a few pictures from Friday night. Steven made this snowman Friday night but it fell overnight. Katie took more pictures of their snowmen they made Saturday on her camera but didn't save them on the computer so I'll have to post those later.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Mills' Kids

The Mills' kids have grown so much over the last few months I thought it is about time I posted some new pictures. Steven has grown so much. He is now taller than Katie and that makes him so happy. He's not done growing yet. His daddy is 6 feet tall and I'm sure he'll reach that at the least. I think Katie is about as tall as she's going to get and of course Shad is growing fast also. They grow up too fast. I'm so thankful for my kids. I love them so much. I look forward to each new day that Heavenly Father blesses me with them.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Mills Family Update

It's been so long since I've posted on this blog. I want to start using this blog as a kind of Mills family journal. Hopefully I can stay on top of it this time.
We are enjoying this beautiful weather and the cooler days are quite welcome. Our youngest chickens have began to lay eggs. We had 4 eggs from the young hens today, one of which was a lovely blue green. I'll have to post some pictures later.
We are in the process of potty training Shad and it's promising to be quite an adventure. He makes it sometimes so that's a terrific start. Wish us luck on that.
Katie and Steven are schooling at home again this year and are doing pretty well. I know they would rather be back in regular public school but I'm very happy having them home with me.
I'm still cleaning houses and condos and Steve spends time helping an elderly lady out by running errands and taking her to appointments. We keep pretty busy but always enjoy our time together as a family just hanging out together.
More updates to come.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Visitors, Fires, Birthdays and Pink Hair?!

Okay, so it's been too long since I've posted anything on this blog so it's time for an update on the Mills' Crew. April has been a busy month. My sister Sarah and my nephew RJ were in town for Easter weekend and we greatly enjoyed their visit. We always do. We had a big bonfire (this was before the burn ban of course) and roasted marshmallows. I made some baklava, yummy and we just had a great time. We went to see Dragonball Z and that was fun too. It was a good movie. While we were having the bonfire Steve's sister Shanon, along with her hubby Matt and their 2 kids Cameron and Ashton and their dog Sirius, came over and all the kids ran around the yard and played capture the flag and they had a blast. It was fun watching the kids have so much fun together. Shad wanted to run and play with the big kids. He was so excited chasing after them. We really had a great time.
I just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone for all your prayers and concern for us during the horrible fires that have been burning so close to us. The fire has been less than 2 miles away from us. That's a bit too close for comfort. Speaking of comfort, the smoke was making us all uncomfortable. My throat was burning, Shad's nose was runny and Katie's asthma was flaring up. Thankfully the worst part is over. Katie washed all the ash from my van. I wish I had taken a picture of that for you. It looked terrible. You can smell the smoke when you go outside but it's not so irritating to the allergies now. Thankfully no lives were lost and everyone seems to be pulling together to help those who lost their homes. Thanks to our Father in Heaven for protecting us and our home and the lives of everyone affected by the fires. A special thank you to all the brave firefighters and forestry commission workers who risked their lives to fight the fires and protect people's homes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We've also had 2 birthdays this month. Steven turned 15 on April 17th and Shad turned 2 on April 19th. Steven loves chocolate, dark not milk, so I searched online and come up with a fudgey chocolate cake recipe. I found a cocoa frosting recipe to go with it. I wasn't sure how it would come out but let me tell you, it was the most scrumptious fudgey chocolate cake ever. Let me know if you want the recipe. I may just have to make one again this weekend. Okay, so Steven loved the cake. He had it for breakfast a couple days in a row. Healthy breakfast right!? So by Shad's birthday, I was so tired from work, being sick and running around to get everything done for b-days, I just ordered a cake from Walmart. I know, I'm such a slacker but it was a Cars cake and he loved it so much. He only really ate the icing but he loved that Lightning McQueen and Mater were on his cake. He had fun pulling them off the cake and licking the icing off of them. They both had great birthdays. My boys are growing up too fast. I love my boys so much. I'll add a couple of pics. Steven took a few interesting pics of himself.
Finally the pink hair. My lovely Katie likes to express herself in different ways and this time she wanted pink hair. I figure it's her hair and it's only temporary so I helped her out with it. Trust me a lot more of it would have been pink if were entirely up to Katie. By the way, she's got her driver's permit now and so my hair is turning gray. So I'll post a pic so you can check out the pink hair, not the gray. Love to everyone!

Friday, March 27, 2009

What's New With The Mills Crew

Well everyone in the Mills' house finally gets well and now we have to deal with the pollen messing with our allergies. Yuck! That's OK though, I'm just glad none of us are really sick.
Shad's ears are hurting again though. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday and the doctor said his ears are full of mucus. He made an appointment for Shad to see an ear, nose and throat doctor and wrote him a prescription for an antihistamine for allergies. He didn't start a third round of antibiotics since the ear, nose and throat doctor is able to see him about a week. Shad goes next Thursday. What fun that will be. You see, Shad hates going to see the doctor. When the nurse opens the door and calls his name to go back to see the doctor he starts to fuss. It's so funny to see. He squirms and cries and grabs me tighter when the nurse tries to get his weight and measurements. He really loses it when the doctor tries to look in his ears or even just listen to his heart and lungs with the stethoscope. We usually have to hold him down on the table to get his ears checked. I believe the doctors get a little disappointed that Shad won't let them play with him. He won't touch the stethoscope to see that it won't hurt him and he won't even give them high five. He's my funny little man. I love him so much. Maybe he'll do better for the new doctor. Probably not but I can dream can't I. : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Duke Blah, Go Heels!!!

So my husband Steve is trying to corrupt my sweet, innocent little son Shad. Here are the pictures to prove it. He even had him jumping up and down cheering saying "Duke, Duke, Duke!". Well, it wasn't exactly duke but you could tell that's what he meant. It was pretty cute. Bless him, he doesn't know any better. I'm going to have to buy Shad his first Tarheel outfit for his birthday. Steve's already corrupted my other children, I have to rescue Shad before it's too late!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick of Being Sick!

So everyone in our house has been sick in the last few weeks at one time or other. Shad has had a stuffy nose, cough, random fevers, vomiting and diahrrea over the past few weeks. He's been to the doctor twice only to be told he has a viral infection and it had to run its course. This past weekend his fever reached 103 degrees and we were back to the doctor for the third time 0n Monday. This time with a double ear infection, poor baby. I'm so tired because after being vomited on, pooped on, snotted on, coughed on, and of course cried on, now I'm sick. I've had it for 2 weeks now and can't shake it. Probably because I'm up and down all night with Shad so I'm not getting to rest so I can get well. Katie had the stuffy nose and cough with sore throat first and gave it to the rest of us. Bless her heart, she's finally starting to feel a bit better. Steve was sick with it for a couple days last week but he stayed in bed for like 17 hours straight and got better quickly, thank goodness. Steven has had stuffy nose but hasn't been feeling too badly so I'm thankful for that. I hope he doesn't get it too bad.
So, I'm so sick of being sick! Hopefully in the next couple days I'll get to feeling better. I'm sure after a couple days of antibiotic, Shad will be feeling better too. He had a rough day today with his fever shooting back up. It's so hard to get medicine in him. The easiest way is putting it in his drink but when his fever is up he will not drink anything. So we have to do it the hard way by wrapping him in a towel, putting the medicine in a syringe and squirting it into his mouth while he kicks, screams, spits, and sometimes vomits it all back up on me. It's a simply horrible experience for us all, especially poor little Shad.
Please remember us in your prayers and hopefully we'll all be well soon.
I have to say thank you to our wonderful friend Bud Barnett who has been so dear to come by and pick up Katie and Steven for church so we wouldn't all have to miss church. Thanks Bud! We love you so much!